If you have any issues or concerns you should first try and see if this can be dealt with by our customer service team on 0845 026 7158 and speak to the manager on shift as they may be able to resolve the issue immediately.
If you wish to make a formal complaint, you can do so in writing by sending your complaint in to the following address:
Compliance Manager
Park Direct Uk Ltd
PO BOX 4777
You may also submit a complaint to: dpo@parkdirectukltd.co.uk.
Park Direct UK Ltd will acknowledge receipt of a complaint within 10 working days, a full response will be provided within 20 working days. In the event a complaint cannot be dealt with within this timeframe, a letter or email will be sent advising you of the reason and providing you with a date of the expected resolution to your complaint.
Once a complaint is received the following details will be logged on the complaints register by the compliance officer:
-Complainants name
-The date the complaint is received
-Site the Complaint is in relation to (if applicable)
-Nature of complaint
-Outcome of complaint
-Date concluded
-Who handled the complaint
-Action to prevent further similar complaints
We will retain your data for 24 months for internal audit purposes. If you wish to view our data policy, please refer to: https://parkdirectukltd.co.uk/privacy-policy/
In the event you are unhappy with the outcome, you can submit a complaint to the International Parking Community.